F1 Call
Wings-AV Help
F2 Edit Control Name
F4 Program Options
F5 Start Project in Test Mode
F7 Manage Device Connections
F10 Transfer Project Dialog
Ctrl+ 0
shows or hides the PAGE CONTROLS overview
shows the page overview
shows the template overview
1 + 3
shows the page and template overview
Ctrl+ Shift + Figure ...directly shows the corresponding page in the Editor
Ctrl+ Cursor left / right...shows the previous or next page in the Editor
Ctrl + A
Highlight all
Ctrl + B Bold (toggle)
Ctrl + I Italics (toggle)
Ctrl + U Underline (toggle)
Ctrl + C Copy highlighted objects
Ctrl + Shift
+ C
Copy object template
Ctrl + X Cut highlighted objects
Ctrl + V Paste highlighted objects
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Shift
+ S
Save as
Ctrl + O Edit overlay
Ctrl + N New project
Ctrl + Q Terminate program
Ctrl + H Hide in Avio (toggle)
Ctrl + L Lock position and size (toggle)
Ctrl + R Reset zoom
Ctrl + + Larger font size
Ctrl + - Smaller font size
Ctrl + G Generate layer (NEW)
Ctrl + Shift
+ G Remove layer (NEW)