Remotely controlling volume and sound

SC Master and Event Control units allow remote-control of volume and sound via markers. This is only possible for SC Net operation.

    1. In the Media Pool, click the plus sign next to category Devices and select the corresponding SC Net device port below it.

    2. From the device folder All devices drag Special functions into a marker track.

    3. Right-click the marker, select Properties and the dialog will appear.

    4. First of all, the SC Net address of the module receiving the information is to be entered. As this normally refers to the Master Module, address 1 can usually be maintained.

    5. Click on Volume or Equalizer to enter the corresponding settings:

    6. Under Volume you can select the controller, the card player output (stereo), the volume value and the time to reach the specified value.  All parameters are similar to those you know from the device menus. There is only one exception: FlashCard left and FlashCard right also allows you to control individual channels of a stereo output.

    7. Under Equalizer you can also select the controller, the card player output (stereo) and the volume value. Unfortunately, these functions are not available yet.

    8. In field Comment you can enter any appropriate designation to become visible in the timeline. Usually it makes sense to enable option Auto comment, which generates some suitable labelling depending on the chosen function.

    9. Finally, click on OK.

    Information about any other functions can be found under Special functions for the SC Master.

    See also

    Example Combining interval music with shows