Show actions

This function allows specific shows saved on CF Card to be started via command markers in the show.

This is how you add a Command Marker for starting and terminating additional shows:

    1. Click one category Devices in the Media Pool.

    2. From the device folder All devices drag Special functions into a marker track.

    3. Right-click the marker, select Properties and the dialog will appear.

    4. Click Action to make the corresponding settings:

    5. As target for this action you can directly enter a show number next to Show or click Variable and choose a variable. In the latter case, the variable value, i.e. the current content, is regarded as show number.

    6. Under Mode you select the action to be taken.

    7. Restart starts a show; a running show is started again from the beginning

    8. Add is for adding an extra show which is to be played back simultaneously with any other running shows. With the SC Master 6/16 a maximum of 18 shows can be run simultaneously. For all other SC Master units the maximum is 6 shows. Please bear in mind, that this Start Mode interrupts the sound of other shows that use the same stereo output.

    9. End stops show playback.

    10. Pause stops playback; it can be resumed from this location at a later time.

    11. Continue continues paused playback.

    12. Jump jumps to the specified show and terminates the current show.

    1. In field Comment you can enter any appropriate designation to become visible in the timeline. Usually it makes sense to enable option Auto comment, which generates some suitable labelling depending on the chosen function.

    2. Finally, click on OK.

    Information about any other functions can be found under Special functions for the SC Master.

    If you are using a DLC Port you should disable the transfer of the start status for the shows to be jumped to. See Show Properties.

    See also

    Remote-controlled show start

    Example Combining interval music with shows

    Example Automatic start from CF Card