Displaying information on the SC Master display

You can have texts and variables of up to 16 characters displayed on the SC Master or SD Event Control display. For this purpose you need to configure a serial port as a display in the Media Pool.

    1. In the Media Pool, click category Devices, right-click the device folder, e.g. SC Master and select Add devices. Select Serial and click on OK to add a serial port.

    2. In the Media Pool, double-click the new port to open the corresponding Properties Dialog. Enter Display as a name as well as the display address:

    3. 1/2  ...for SC Net Port and a Master unit with device address 1

    4. C1  ...for a DLC-Port

    1. Close the dialog by clicking OK.

    Displaying text

      1. Drag the new device Display into the timeline and a marker track containing a command marker will be created. Double-click the marker and enter the text and the display duration under Command/Text, e.g.

      "Text" 240

      The text to be displayed (with a maximum of 16 characters) is in quotation marks followed by a space and 240 (hexadecimal value for 240) for a display duration of 2.4 seconds. With an entry of 255 the text is displayed continuously until the next message arrives.

      1. Click on OK. You can check text output by playing the command marker with the device control system being enabled.

      Displaying variables

      For displaying variables you take the same steps as for the text display. But you also need to specify the variable to be displayed, which is preceded by a percent sign:

      "Text %X" 240

      Text and variable are in quotation marks, % signalises that variable X (entered in ASCII code; see table) is to be displayed, followed by the display duration, e.g. 240 for 2.4 seconds.


      "Service in %4 Tg" 255

      This command reads out memory variable E4 and would be displayed as follows, if the variable had a value of 26, for example:


      in 26 days

      This message continues to be displayed because 255 was entered as display duration.

      This way the values of previously set variables can be displayed. See Setting variables. The list below will tell you the variables to be displayed, as well as the corresponding ASCII and hex code values.

      Variable                   ASCII Hex

      Memory variable E1     1 15

      Memory variable E2     2 16

      Memory variable E3     3 17

      Memory variable E4     4 18

      Memory variable E5     5 19

      Memory variable E6     6 1A

      Memory variable E7     7 1B

      Memory variable E8     8 1C

      Memory variable E9     9 1D

      Memory variable E10  10 1E

      Memory variable E11  11 1F

      Memory variable E12  12 20
      Variables E13 to E30 cannot be displayed.

      Runtime variable R1     31 01

      Runtime variable R2     32 02

      Runtime variable R3     33 03

      Runtime variable R4     34 04

      Runtime variable R5     35 05

      Runtime variable R6     36 06

      Runtime variable R7     37 07

      Runtime variable R8     38 08

      Runtime variable R9     39 09

      Runtime variable R10   40 0A

      Runtime variable R11   41 0B

      Runtime variable R12   42 0C

      Runtime variable R13   43 0D

      Runtime variable R14   44 0E

      Runtime variable R15   45 0F

      Runtime variable R16   46 10

      Runtime variable R17   47 11

      Runtime variable R18   48 12

      Runtime variable R19   49 13

      Runtime variable R20   50 14

      Runtime variables R21 to R70 cannot be displayed.


      Please remember that memory variables (E1 to E30) need to be initialised by setting them a first time. They can only be displayed on the SC Master display after that.

      See also

      Setting variables

      Text functions