Starting programs via Avio

This function is only available for Wings Engines or with an Avio dongle.

You can use Avio to start executable programs installed on the corresponding computers.

    1. Right-click the Avio Service icon and select Settings. Click Local commands to enable this group which will then be listed in yellow at the top. Close by clicking Apply Changes.

    2. Click the Avio Service icon again and select Configure Local Command... (enabled)

    3. Enter the path of the executable file, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Photoshop.exe. It is also possible to transfer parameters when opening the program, e.g. information about which documents is to be opened.

    4. Now click Add after which the program will appear in the field. When you start Avio Manager the program will be listed in the Avio Service under PC Control - Commands. When the value of this channel is set to 1 the program starts.

    See also

    Wings Avio Service - An overview