Using the computer’s system time on the Avio network

The system time of the computer running Avio Service can now be made available as channels on the Avio network and used by other Avio resources. It is not necessary to use a complex SNTP script that requires an Internet/network connection.

This is how you enable the system time for Avio:

    1. Click the Avio Services icon and select Functional Groups. In the dialog popping up enable this functional group by clicking System time following which it is then listed in yellow at the top. Finish by clicking Apply Changes.

    2. When you start Avio Manager port System Time will be listed in your computer’s Avio Service in port PC Controls. Upon opening port System Time the channels with the date and time information are listed and can be linked up with other channels.

    Please note the following:


    See also

    Connecting and editing channels