Dongle could not be initialized

The error message Dongle could not be initialized! is an indication that the dongle driver was not properly installed.


  1. Remove all USB devices incl. any cordless mouse that may possibly be used by disconnecting their USB plug. After successful operation you can plug in the cordless mouse again.

  2. Double-click SSDCleanup.exe, which can be found on the Wings Vioso RX USB stick in folder Software\Sentinel Driver 7.4.0\Cleanup Windows 32 Bit. When a Windows 64-bit version is used, double-click file SSDCleanupx64.exe in folder Cleanup Windows 64 Bit.

Attention: Please note that this tool removes all Sentinel dongle drivers. I.e. You may also have to reinstall the drivers for any other Sentinel dongles used on your computer.

  1. Follow the instructions and restart the computer when asked to do so.

  2. Following this start up Wings Vioso RX after which the driver can be reinstalled.