Vioso Mask Editor

Wings Vioso offers a number of masking functions for various calibration problems:

With the exception of the masking of the camera image all the masking is done in the Mask Editor the basic functions of which are presented below.

maximize window  ...maximizes or minimizes the Editor window.

undo undo editing step

add shape  ....adds a masking element which can be deformed by means of editing points. Black area means “masked” and white means “transparent”. You can use any number of masking elements.

delete shape  ...deletes the selected masking element. The selection of masking elements is done via the number on the program window.

toggle shape  ...inverts the effect of the selected masking element.

add point  ...adds an editing point clock-wise after the highlighted editing point.

delete point  ...deletes the highlighted editing point.

toggle corner/smooth  ...changes the editing point characteristic between angled and round.

save image  ...saves the mask as bitmap file, e.g. for image editing programs.

save mask  ...saves the mask as XML file. Note: The masks are saved automatically along with the calibration.

load mask  ...loads a previously saved mask in XML format.

cancel and discard changes  ...closes the Editor without saving the changes.

apply  ...applies the changes to the calibration.


The VIOSO calibrator can also be started in stand-alone mode via the main menu Programs.