Configuration Serial / LAN

This device port allows serial commands to be sent via serial ports or a network in order to control devices such as video projectors, DVD players, etc.

    1. Click category  Devices in the Media Pool.

    2. Right-click some free space in the right Media Pool portion and select Add port Serial / LAN.

    3. Under General settings select the required type of communication:

    4. If you want control via a serial port, click Serial port and select the corresponding port.

    5. If you want control via a network (...requires the Show Control Module), click on IP address / Port and enter address and port of the device to be controlled, as well as the protocol used for controlling. Preferably choose UDP for protocol. The server is always the computer or device this computer (being the client) is to be hooked up to.

    1. The option Open/close PC port for every command allows control of a device by several controllers. Caution: This function should be used by specialists only. More about operating conditions.

    2. For a serial connection, select the parameters in accordance with the device requirements under Configuration serial port.

    3. Click on OK.