Setting the SC Net baud rate at the SC Master

For an SC Net system to work safely, the data rate needs to be set to an appropriate value. SC Master automatically negotiates the baud rate with the modules, provided setting "AudoBd" has been chosen in Menu "OptionsSC NetSCN Baud". However, the SC Master does not know how many modules are connected. This is why, after powering up the system, you need to check whether all SC Net modules communicate with the SC Master. The are certain LEDs at the SC modules which indicate whether communication has been established:

After powering up the system, all the POWER LEDs at the SC Net modules must be on and blink every second, while the SC NET LEDs must briefly blink every three seconds. If there is no communication with one module – something that may happen in widely branched networks – you need to reduce the SD Net baud rate manually until even the last module starts communicating within the network. This can be done in the SC Master menu "OptionsSC NetSCN Baud". Further information can be found in the SC Master manual.

See also

Automatic start upon verification of  SC Net communication (example)