Enabling licenses

Any modules or upgrades for your existing Wings Vioso RX can be ordered upon stating your serial number. The serial number can be found on the dongle or in the Wings Vioso RX info dialog. You will then receive a new enable code which allows you to enable the new functions.

    1. Click button in the function bar below the main menu or ? in the main menu and select About Wings 5... There you will find information on the currently enabled license and, further below, your dongle's serial number.

    2. Click Wings 5 License...

    3. If you have plugged more than one dongle into your computer, you select the dongle under Enable code for dongle no. which you want to enter enable codes for.

    4. Enter the enable codes in the corresponding fields and click Accept.

    5. Click on OK. Now terminate Wings Vioso RX and restart it.

    6. Now check entry of the enable codes by clicking on button Info. The correct license must be displayed at the top of the dialog box. If this is not the case repeat entering the enable codes.

    If you are using several dongles on one computer for multidisplay with Vioso calibration you need to have a Wings Vioso license for each of them. Otherwise the dongle with the lowest license applies and Vioso calibration will not be available for any display.

    See also

    Licenses and functions